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The Often Overlooked Importance of Relocation Departure Service Assistance

When someone is preparing to make an international move, they typically have their mind fully focused on three major aspects of their relocation: the removal of their household goods, finding a place to live, and how to manage getting started in their new location. What they too often overlook are the many small but essential tasks necessary to check off the list of before departing from their current location. Notifying the utility companies, closing down the internet and cable tv subscriptions, getting your kids transcripts together for transferring to their new school, having () your property cleaned, organizing a place to put the pets during the packing of your household goods, there’s simply a ton to do.

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This is where relocation Departure Service Assistance can play a super helpful role as a service for people on the cusp of moving abroad and why people without it can end up having a very tough time leading upto their move.

Packing up your homeWhat is relocation departure assistance?

Relocation departure assistance is the term given to the support you need to help organize the many deeds that need to be completed before you move. Whether it be closing down accounts, hiring a cleaning company or handyman to fix up your property before moving out, changing your address, or just having a professional to create and execute a plan before you move to your new location, you can expect to save a huge amount of stress by enlisting departure assistance.

Handyman to fix up your property before moving out
Handyman to fix up your property before moving out

What is the value of relocation departure service assistance?

Most people don’t realize just how many loose ends there are to take care of before moving away. Imagine all the accounts you have open currently and all the offices and representatives you will have to contact to suspend or close these accounts. It really can be a monumental endeavor, with the potential for major stress if not organized properly.

Not having a plan to deal with this before you depart can lead to an exhausting last few days in the country trying to sew everything up. This is why having departure service assistance can be a huge time saver and will make your last days in the country more about positive moments rather than worry.

Managing your lease agreement
Closing your lease agreement

What support should one expect in departure service assistance?

When you decide to take advantage of this relocation service, you can expect to have a professional relocation consultant working with you to organize all of these necessary tasks before you go. This consultant will have a meeting with you to discuss what needs you have and to give suggestions on other potential duties to take care of that you might not have thought of yet. They’ll then organize a detailed plan and help you set up meetings to close or suspend accounts. Whenever possible, this person can even close these accounts without your needing to be present, if you give them permission via a signed power of attorney document.

Closing or transferring utility accounts
Closing or transferring utility accounts

What can you expect to be taken care of with Departure Service Assistance?

Below are the most common duties you can expect your relocation consultant to help you out with when taking departure service assistance.

  • Giving leaving notice to your landlord and/or school
  • Closing or transferring utility accounts
  • Closing your bank accounts
  • Closing gym or sports club memberships
  • Closing your tv and internet accounts
  • Closing your phone plan, or finding a more price friendly international plan
  • Walking through your property rental to look for repairs that need to be made before handing it back over to the landlord
  • Arranging professional cleaners or handymen for your property
  • Negotiating the return of your rental security deposit from the property landlord
  • Helping to find a short-term kennel for your pets during the packing of your goods
  • Handling any insurance claims as part of your property handover
Negotiating the return of your rental security deposit from the property landlord
Negotiating the return of your rental security deposit from the property landlord

When is it an absolute must to use departure service assistance?

Of course, when moving from your home country it can be extremely helpful to have a professional relocation consultant organizing everything, but without question, when moving FROM a country that you’ve been relocated to, it is almost a necessity to have someone assisting you with departure services.

The reason that assistance is a necessity when departing from an existing international assignment is that policies and formalities in offices and businesses in different countries are quite often different from what you might expect in your home country. There’s often a lot of fine print you’ll want a hand with. Additionally, having someone services in a language they speak fluently is not only helpful, but perhaps mandatory in order to take care of any and all affairs before departing.

Planning your relocation departure
Planning your relocation departure

When should I begin planning my departure?

You definitely do not want to wait until the last moment to start making your plan for departure. Many service contracts and memberships require several months’ notice before cancellation, meaning the longer you wait the more it may cost you.

As soon as you have been notified of your departure, you should contact your relocation consultant and begin discussing what needs to be organized before you leave. If it is a last-minute departure, your consultant can still accommodate, but typically at least one-to-three month’s notice is minimal to conveniently organize your departure plan.

Speak with your relocation consultant about how to go about organizing your relocation departure service assistance. Whether it be departing from a foreign assignment you are on currently or moving to a new location and tying this into other common destination services such as home search assistance, area orientation, or cultural training, utilizing the help of a relocation professional as part of your departure will be key towards making a successful transition to your next destination.

Gerson Relocation can help individuals with a wide range of relocation and moving services. To learn more check out and get in touch with us to start planning your relocation!

Nick Young writes for Gerson Relocation and his website

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