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What’s Trending in Global Workforces in 2023?

With challenges in recruitment and talent retention becoming a pressure for many businesses, global workforces are a thing of the present. With each year comes new and unique workforce questions and themes, driven by new advances in tech, current global events, and even topical social themes. This can create issues that are difficult to overcome when your team exists across several different continents and time zones.

Gerson Relocation is on hand to support HR and global mobility teams just like yours. If you’re facing the implications of the trends below, get in touch to learn how we could help your business.

1. Remote Working

This is perhaps the most obvious ongoing conversation for companies of all sizes around the world. Since the pandemic drove us all indoors, many have remained there, with remote or hybrid working forming a huge percentage of how the modern workforce operates. However, the question of culture and the cost of office space to be used just 1 day a week means that businesses may be encouraging employees back into the office, with mixed results. 

Individual requirements and personal responsibilities mean that many cannot return in the same way. Flexibility is a huge draw, particularly for global employees, and can be a huge talent retention factor. This flexibility concerns not just remote work but also work-from-anywhere (WFA) schemes and varied working hours. Balancing flexibility with efficiency and team well-being is an ongoing challenge for many, with no apparent “one-size-fits-all” solution.

Two employees sitting at their desks facing away from each other in front of large windows

2. Technological Advancements

Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have meant impacts for companies of all kinds. The new potential for automation of tasks that comes with functional AI means that employees need to be upskilled for the newest evolutions. Constant upskilling is always necessary for new tools and resources so that employees can utilise these new tools in innovative and impactful ways. Companies implementing this upskilling is key to assuring employees that their roles are constantly evolving and have no potential to be replaced by a machine. 

What’s more, software and tech developments are being created all the time to bridge the gap between international workforces. Companies should always be on the lookout for new digital tools to ease international employee relocation, help keep track of employees across the world, and provide a framework that makes everyone feel supported and included. This is key for talent retention at all levels.

3. Focus on Skills not Roles

When it comes to hiring new talent, there has become a disconnect between role titles and skill requirements. Job roles and titles differ across countries, industries, and even from company to company, with businesses selecting terms they feel reflect their company values in some cases. This means that where people could previously apply for the same jobs in different companies and feel that their skills are totally transferable, this is no longer always the case.

There is now a focus on the skills required for each role, which may include more or less than what potential hires currently possess. Internal upskilling here is also a huge factor, as people may be hired for one set of skills while lacking training in another crucial element. Companies are increasingly finding the benefit, both in culture and for budgets, of upskilling internally rather than hiring brand-new talent.

Group of people at a meeting table with 1 team member dialling in on a monitor at the table

4. ESG Initiatives and Principles

Now more than ever, investors and potential employees will evaluate a company on their values. This means looking into their environment, society, and governance (ESG) practices. These factors are therefore more than just a tick box for many businesses, and actually lay the groundwork for their annual strategies in some cases. 

Programs and initiatives for environmental or social causes are of huge importance among modern businesses. For example, dedication to reducing the carbon footprint of your company can be planned easily, particularly for a remote business not forcing their employees to travel for work. This dedication will require upskilling in some cases, particularly for sustainability and ethics efforts, to draw in new talent and investment opportunities.

5. Employee Well-Being

This is another huge pivot since the pandemic’s hit on national and global well-being. Modern corporate life is finding a way to treat mental health seriously, with a huge boost in benefits and schemes to increase self-care and work-life balance. With remote work and workforces spread across the globe, this can be easier said than done. Wellness programs that are creative and flexible are required to fulfil a range of employees with different needs and interests. Efforts can include more flexibility, benefits that support mental health, and a general positive work culture.

While well-being strategies may seem like an obvious talent retention method, it has also been proven to have hugely positive impacts on a business as a whole. Happier and healthier employees are more productive, need less time off, take fewer sick days, and want to bring their best efforts to work.

3 people standing in a line using their mobile phones

What to Review?

The benefits of reviewing your global mobility policies should now be evident. But you may be wondering where to start. There are a number of basic principles to review in your international relocation documents and processes to go about making new implementations.

Are you noticing the pressures of these global workforce trends? Our international relocation services support companies and individuals managing or embarking on international placements, from the bigger picture to the individual steps. Get in touch today.


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