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Benefits of Outsourcing Global Mobility

Global mobility is a salient feature of the contemporary workforce. The accelerated growth of businesses worldwide has increased the number of international assignments and organisations. From targeting new markets abroad to utilising novel employee insights from their host country experience, the benefits of an international assignment cannot be undermined.  However, managing relocation and expenses makes it challenging to tap into the full potential of an international assignment. 

By outsourcing your global mobility functions, you can focus your in-house resources on the management of your day-to-day business and offer HR support to employees on international assignments. In this blog, we have covered the benefits of outsourcing global mobility that will boost your organisation.

How Outsourcing Can Boost Your Global Mobility Strategy

The role of HR in attracting top talent and creating an agile workforce cannot be undermined. The management of international assignments, which often falls on HR, is as complex as the assignment itself. To utilise the full potential of these assignments, your global mobility strategy must be aligned with the demands of the current marketplace. 

The results of a global mobility expert far exceed those that can be achieved by in-house management alone. By outsourcing your global mobility functions, you can free your HR team from fiddling with admin issues and allow them to support international assignees in their best capacity.

A businessman holding a mobile phone next to a laptop with the Virtual Reality icon in an office setting

Cost Efficiency

A global mobility assignment requires charting foreign territory and, more often than not, charges can be surmounted significantly. One of the common challenges that prevent the proper utilisation of a company’s resources is the lack of knowledge about the actual cost of relocation. The expert knowledge of a global mobility service provider can help streamline the relocation process by tracking expenses. Monitoring relocation costs will improve company budget and program performance.

Operational Efficiency

For the smooth running of your global mobility assignments as well as your overall business, there must be adequate resources to support operations. A key step to ensuring this is through the allocation of specific tasks to the appropriate departments. Having an outsourced team to manage your international assignments will not only ensure that assignees receive the support they need, but also ensure efficiency in day-to-day in-house operations. Furthermore, the expert knowledge of a global mobility service provider will allow you to take advantage of foreign markets at the right time, thereby giving you a competitive edge.

An HR manager leading a business team meeting

Professional Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management for global mobility assignments requires ample resources due to the volume of tasks involved. For instance, qualified service partners such as appraisers, destination service providers, and real estate agents need to be identified. They also have to be trained and managed, which makes supply chain a near-impossible feat for in-house management alone. The strict legal agreements under which suppliers work will ensure that you and your assignees have a smooth global mobility experience.

Global Workforce Management

From monitoring relocation costs to ensuring compliance with local and international regulations, managing a global mobility assignment can be cumbersome. Outsourcing global mobility will not only ensure operational efficiency, but will also help you avoid unnecessary penalties for accidental non-compliance. By enlisting the services of a global mobility expert, you can get a comprehensive solution to support a global workforce. 

Did you know that 48% of companies in the UK outsource their work?

Ecstatic business partners raising their arms and looking at the camera

Expert Guidance and Compliance

Tax and immigration compliance is one of the biggest determiners of how well your global mobility assignment performs. Employers and assignees need to be aware of and comply with employment and visa regulations that could affect their contracts. In addition to getting necessary work permits, they must also ensure tax compliance to avoid penalties and potential reputation damage. With their expert knowledge of international law, a global mobility service provider can help your business navigate intricate legal frameworks worldwide. Furthermore, their efficient management of a global payroll system will ensure that your business runs smoothly at home and abroad.

Improved Communication

Communication is the key to making global mobility assignments thrive. By outsourcing your global mobility functions, you can centralise communication and authority with one service provider. This will not only simplify client management, but will also ensure improved communication by offering assignees a single point of coordination. By eliminating duplication of effort and communication, you can ensure that your global mobility assignments and your overall business run smoothly.

Global mobility keywords such as visa, international, work, etc. within hexagons with a businessman in the background

Outsourcing global mobility not only increases the efficiency of your business, but ensures you get a full return on investment for your international assignments. To tap into the ever-increasing demand for a robust workforce, you must act on the need for expert help now. A global mobility strategy that outsources its functions will benefit from talent acquisition and enterprise growth in a global economy.

Our expense management services are an excellent way to outsource the management of your relocation and assignment expenses. From administering relocation expenses to processing payments, our corporate relocation management services ensure that your business stays on top of payments. Choose Gerson Relocation today.


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