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The Top Skills Corporate Recruitment Experts Will Be Looking For In 2017 Are…

The corporate relocation team at Gerson Relocation found an interesting article last week – which on the face of it might seem light and not too high-brow, but which in reality highlights some critically-useful information for corporate recruiters from top skills listed by global mobility teams in 2016.

The article from industry magazine Relocate can be read here and it highlights the top skills that recruiters have identified in their talent management and recruitment selection processes during 2016.

It’s interesting – from a corporate relocation services perspective – to note that the top three skills required by corporate recruiters during 2016 were Statistical Analysing & Data Mining, Middleware & integration Software, and HR Benefits & Compensation.

From a global mobility point-of-view, seeing HR in the top three is significant. Especially when according to the results listed on the world’s leading online network for professionals LinkedIn, which conducted the survey, HR leapt 18 places this year into the top three.

It’s clear that businesses both at home and abroad are placing greater importance on top-performing HR teams, with a stricter view on compliance and HR-related issues. This all stacks up to demonstrate how a strong HR team can promote greater staff satisfaction.

  • What are the top skills you look for when recruiting via your global mobility teams?
  • What are the most important human capital management assets so far in 2016?
  • What are the preferred attributes you’d like to see your top talent utilising in 2017?
  • We’d love to know – so please feel free to get in touch and tell us your thoughts.

If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation services, please feel free to contact us here.


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