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The Effect Of Brexit On Global Mobility Still Remains Ambiguous

The global mobility management team at Gerson Relocation have been reviewing a number of industry articles recently, to gain an overall idea of the effect of Brexit on the global mobility sector.

The first article which caught our attention was this one discussing whether or not regional UK cities should be given local visas post-Brexit, to allow foreign workers to recruit employees to fill regional roles.
This has already been successfully implements in other countries such as Australia where a point system is in place. It has also been introduced in Canada for high-level positions.
There have been concerns across the corporate relocation sector regarding an influx of entry-level employees and immigrants entering the UK to fill these more basic employment positions, and although the system isn’t infallible, this concept should be useful in helping corporates to fill skilled vacancies more quickly if localised visa permissions were in place.
This would certainly assist global mobility teams and human capital management departments to work more effectively in filling senior level vacancies in the UK beyond 2017. The overall post-Brexit situation appears to be up in the air, although it’s being monitored by our corporate global mobility experts for our clients in London and the wider UK.
Read the full article here for more information.
The second article which we found useful and interesting is this one, from the Guardian, concerning the struggles faced by British workers without a Passport looking for accommodation under the new Right to Rent legislation.
Introduced earlier this year, we wrote a few insights into Right to Rent here which could have affected the effectiveness of foreign workers being able to successfully complete relocation assignments.
There are penalties for both corporate HR departments, individual employees and letting agents if Right to Rent regulations are not observed, so it’s critical for talent managers and global mobility teams to keep on top of these rules as we head into 2017.
The third article which we found interesting was this one, from Deloitte, highlighting elements of the Home Secretary’s speech on immigration changes in October.
Given the situation regarding Right to Rent and how this affects global mobility and international relocation, although some of the elements of the speech and changes could be viewed as somewhat negative in part, it’s still worth global mobility and corporate relocation teams reading and digesting these important legislative developments this year.


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