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Tips for a successful video survey – the survey

The Survey

Now that you have got everything prepared, you are ready for the actual video survey.

international removals video survey

Scene 1…  Take 1…

  • Now that you are ready and the stage is set your surveyor will call you through our Video Platform. Your phone will ring and will ask you to join the video call.
  • Once you have joined the video call you will be able to see your Surveyor and your Surveyor will be able to see you.
  • Your surveyor will introduce himself/herself to you and will have a pre-discussion regarding your move. Don’t worry if you get ‘camera shy’ as your surveyor will guide you through every step of the way.
  • Make sure you stand back far enough for the surveyor to get a full view of your home contents, for example: when we are in the kitchen it is good to see what is inside the cupboards but also good to have a full view of the entire kitchen.
  • If you have any items in the loft then it may be safer to have someone there with you to hand your phone over while you climb any ladders, steps etc. (This role requires no Stuntmen). Or you can have a list ready prepared of all contents in the loft.
  • After the survey has been completed and the surveyor has a record of all the items you wish to take, your surveyor will advise you on what will happen when the crew arrives and any preparations needed prior to packing day.


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