The Government has provided clearance for key relocation services to resume, including moving services and home finding. The following best practices ensure that moving services proceed safely and limit the potential for Coronavirus contagion.
Make sure you also check the guidelines for safe viewing properties when finding a new home.
Five ways to protect against Coronavirus during an international move
These additional precautions are used in the moving process, which are designed to maintain distancing and enable moving to be conducted safely:
1. Pre-move risk assessment: can we safely carry out the move?
A ‘virtual’ risk assessment will now be conducted as standard, prior to the commencement of any move. This is to:
• Ensure work can be conducted safely within all social distancing, health and hygiene guidelines.
• Assess access to the residence and communal areas plus the internal workspace environment to ensure we can work safely.
• Review the items to be moved and ascertain if the can be delivered or removed safely.
• Review all residence occupancy, health status, occupancy numbers and age groups.
• Ensure all parties who will be present in the residence during move are safe to be there.
• Assess residence exits and public interaction points.
2. Preparing for your packing crew arrival
Prior to the day of the move there are a couple of simple things that you will be required to do:
• In advance of your move date, you will be provided with a moving pack which includes a set of labels for your items (pack, store, don’t pack).
• Have each room prepared, using the labels to identifying clearly what’s to be moved or put into storage.
• Items that will travel with you should be put aside into one area.
• Where possible ensure rooms are well ventilated and all internal doors opened.
• Confirm that anyone present in the residence during the packing dates do not have virus symptoms.
• Use soapy water to wipe down door handles and railings just prior to the arrival of the crew.
3. Preparation of vehicles and packing crews
Prior to dispatch to a residence, the following precautions are required:
• Crews are temperature and symptom checked prior to commencing work.
• Vehicles and equipment are disinfected.
• PPE protective supplies are provided to all crew members in the vehicle;
– Gloves
– Face masks
– Face visors
– Sanitizer
– Hand wash
– Anti-bacterial fluid
• All handyman services, dismantling of furniture to be completed before the move day.
4. Testing, hygiene, distancing measures and protective equipment worn in the home
On the move day(s), it is very important that we all adhere to physical distancing and safe working practices. At times this may prove challenging but with positive communication and cooperation everything should work smoothly.
• No person who is in isolation or has coronavirus COVID-19 symptoms to be present at any time.
• PPE to be used by all crew and residents on-site.
• Customer and crew leader to conduct a safe distance walk through of property explaining how each room has been prepared.
• Ensure all surfaces in the residence are wiped down with sanitizing fluid.
• If possible, only have one resident plus the crew in the residence.
• Adhere to physical distancing requirements at all time.
5. Following completion of the move
Upon completion of the packing, the following tasks are completed:
• Surfaces in the residence to be disinfected after completion of the works.
• Crews to take their PPE materials with them to be disposed sanitarily.
• Family to dispose of their own PPE materials sanitarily.
• Surfaces in the residence are wiped down with sanitizing fluid.
• Debris will be removed from the premises.
• Vehicles will return to the offices for disinfecting.
• Transportation and customs documentation will be prepared for the transportation of your items to your new home.
Kindly Note: The advice and procedures herein, are subject to change without notice to remain in line with Government advice and instructions.
Safety is the main concern, no move will be carried out unless the move process can be completed safely within COVID-19 guidelines.
Gerson Relocation are delighted to be able to actively carry out your moves, we are prepared and equipped to complete your move safely.
Bookings are being taken for moves and relocation services, please contact our team.