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The Link Between Tech, Talent Retention And Procurement In Corporate Relocations

One of the most insightful pieces of reading we’ve come across here at Gerson Relocation is well worth sharing with our corporate relocation blog readers this week.

An article, which can be read here, examines the relationship between tech platforms, talent retention and the procurement process in corporate relocations. We found it interesting, and highlighted the growing role of I.T. in global mobility.
One of the main questions that can be asked upon reviewing the article is simply how does tech effect your talent retention and what tech are you using in your global mobility teams? We’d love to know here at Gerson as a leading corporate relocation services provider in London.
Something else the article highlighted for us is the increasing impact of tech on an individual assignee project, as a means to providing end-to-end tracking and monitoring of a project.
One of the leading tech tracking platforms that many of our clients utilise and rave about is Assignment Pro. This software is useful as a large tech platform and is typically used by global mobility teams in bigger firms.
There are, of course, other tech platforms and software options available on the market, and we’re not promoting one above another. Our client feedback is that Assignment Pro provides entire tracking capabilities as well as feeding all data into the entire global mobility process for simple monitoring.
We believe that the main takeaway from the article is the growing relevance of tech in the global mobility process. We’d love to hear from our blog readers on their preferred tech platforms for monitoring and tracking assignees in the ongoing challenge of providing quality global mobility.
If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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