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How Will Apple Tax Ruling Affect Global Mobility & Compliance

One of the hottest topics to impact global mobility that we’ve come across at Gerson Relocation in recent months has been the fallout from the recent Apple Tax ruling.
An article examining the deeper implications on global mobility and compliance in general also caught our eye this week – you can read it in full here.
The recent Apple Tax ruling highlights the importance of compliance, as well as the effect on assignees and the implications on the global mobility sector as a whole.
What has become clear form the recent ruling is that greater work could now be placed on global mobility teams, to ensure that all assignees are tax compliant in home and host countries.

The global mobility industry is placing a bigger focus on immigration and compliance, and to some extent it could be argued that global mobility teams have a Duty of Care to assignees, to create a safe, compliant and professional framework for all assignees to work on projects abroad.
The Apple Tax ruling could be seen as the tip of the compliance iceberg, with more corporates coming under the microscope of the media in recent months for tax practices.
And whilst, we wouldn’t seek to give an opinion on compliance matters relating to other companies here on our relocation blog, changes in compliance will inevitably affect smaller companies when it comes to immigration, global mobility and tax compliance in general. Watch this space carefully.
We strongly recommend that any of our relocation blog readers who are involved significantly in global mobility and/or compliance should read the article – see more here.
If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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