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Brexit Could Positively Impact Corporate Relocation Services In UK

The subject of immigration is one that we’re keeping a close eye on here at Gerson Relocation and despite the doom and gloom in the media recently, the post-Brexit landscape for corporate relocation services in London and the wider UK could be boosted as a result, according to a recent industry news story.

A recent article from Relocation Magazine has indicated that despite some commentators and reviews, the post-Brexit impact on corporate relocation, private relocation and removals in general across the country could be positively affected in the short and medium-term.

The article, which can be read in full here, highlights that the economic backdrop after Brexit isn’t quite as bad as some thought, and our moving services experts are seeing the same optimism with our clients recently.

It will be interesting to see what changes occur in global mobility and human capital management activities in light of the recent statement by Theresa May, and we’ll be monitoring political events, to ensure that our international removals, corporate relocations and private relocation clients are well informed and up-to-speed with developments in the UK.

Whilst we don’t look to make political statements on our relocation blog, we are well aware of the effect of large-scale political events such as Brexit on our client’s businesses, and are keen to ensure that any corporate moves in London are as cost-effective as possible.

If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our relocation services, please feel free to contact us.


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