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Why Our International Moving Experts Took Two Years To Complete One Project

One of our most complex and challenging international moving projects here at Gerson Relocation has recently been completed, and we’re really pleased and proud of the work completed on behalf of the Royal Armouries.
This was the largest move ever under taken by Michael Gerson. It took over two years to complete, and remains a huge testimony to the professionalism of our international movers in London.
Working alongside the curators of the Tower, our four-strong crew wearing white gloves all the time designed special packing crates to carefully pack the Royal Armouries collection for the client.
Due to the design of the Tower of London, special trucks had to be designed and used to get into the inner courtyards, and from there it was shuttled to the larger vehicles which had to be parked on the quay side outside. An amazing example of our full service moving company capabilities in the UK.
Various items from Lances, muskets, swords, complete suits of armour for both people and elephants right through to some of the most iconic items in English history were packed and moved up to Leeds, where they can all be viewed in the new purpose-built Museum.

This also included two full-sized model elephants, which represented a real challenge for our business relocation team. The commercial moving expertise at hand in our London office met the challenge, and completed this prestigious business relocation service with quality management.
Over 40,000 items valued at £1.2 billion were moved from the Tower of London via Michael Gerson’s warehouse to the new royal armouries museum in Leeds.

This was one of the most important examples in recent years of our company relocation services in action, and if your business needs to move a considerable amount of capital equipment, we can help. Our long-distance moving company can help you within all parts of the UK.

Above: The main small arms gallery on the upper floor.

Above: The Last Gun to be Packed – Ministry of Defence project manager Russell Judge assists Michael Gerson’s packers Richard Turtill, Alan Green and Jerry Trusler.
If you’d like to find our more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation, domestic relocation, international moving and global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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