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Phil Knee Has Retired From Gerson Relocation

Phil Knee has retired from Gerson Relocation having been with the Company for almost 26 years.
Phil joined Gerson in June 1990 as a Surveyor, visiting customers in their homes, quantifying the goods to be moved, and selling Gersons services to the clients. He had previously been with Rentokil , selling their services & products, and so was well used to selling to customers in the home.

Phil said about his retirement : “I’ve had the best job in the Company for 26 years. It’s been great to work for the Company and I’ve loved what I’ve done. I will miss the customers, I will miss the people that I have worked with for so long, but I won’t miss the traffic !”
In our picture, Niall Mackay, Managing Director, is presenting Phil with his leaving present. Niall added : “We will miss Phil greatly. His accuracy as a surveyor, his ability to gain the confidence of the customer without pressurising, his reliability, all these things are very difficult to replace. We all wish Phil the very best in his retirement and thank him for a great job over so many, many years.”
The Company also presented Phil with a framed ‘Ode to Phil’ , which went like this:

Ode to Phil – a Gerson Person June 1990 to March 2016

There was a surveyor called Phil
Who decided he was over the hill
The roads he travelled were long
The pavements he walked always a throng
But the driving was no longer a thrill

He had joined us after killing pests
Sometimes the small sort that made nests
He’d been in and out of homes
Admired other peoples thrones
But decided a change might be best

Twas at the turn of the decade
That he finally his decision made
It was in 1990 to be precise
That he’d enough of chasing mice
And decided to wear the Gerson braid

So for 26 years he’s cubed it up
From love seat to chandelier to bone china cup
I am pleased to say mistakes were rare
Although in truth he may have missed the odd chair
But in all honestly he has rarely sold us a pup

So Phil farewell, it’s time to go
Over hill and dale you will no longer have to flow
It’s time to take your time
Because you don’t have to be there sharp at nine
Now you really can go slow

So Phil farewell, and off you go
We think you’ve probably forgotten more than you know
You go with our blessings
Your Voxme needs no more caressing
Enjoy your garden with spade, fork & hoe


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