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Do Your Global Mobility & Talent Management Teams Work Well Together?

One of the most common challenges the global mobility teams at Gerson Relocation come across when working with talent management and HR professionals is the interaction between global mobility and talent management teams in-house.

And this challenge was mirrored in this industry publication recently with issues being often highlighted between global mobility and talent management teams on various assignee projects both in the UK and abroad.

The article highlights that there’s a pressing need to attract talent, and some companies have big issues in attracting and retaining talented assignees for various projects and contracts.

One of the biggest factors, in our experience as leading providers of human capital management services, is the ability to work alongside assignees whilst also observing and complying with policy.

The importance of a well-devised, structured and modern policy for global mobility teams to work within could be argued as the single-most important document to provide in global mobility terms.

As a well-established relocation agent, the number of relocation companies available in the global mobility sector can be confusing and overwhelming at times. We, however, think it’s very simple.

When sourcing a relocation company, ask to see their global mobility documentation, ask to see their modern policy documents and ask about their compliance deliverables. This should help you.

We firmly believe that global mobility and talent management teams need to work in tandem – not only to get the best assignees on board, but also to ensure that the company itself is expanding its human capital, and positively growing the base of talented, professional and committed assignees.

When discussing relocation services, it’s critical to always remember the human capital costs, too.

If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation, domestic relocation, international moving and global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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