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Mobility Survey Highlights Key Challenges In Talent Attraction And Assignee Retention

As experts in international moving and advising clients on international relocation, the management team at Gerson Relocation found an eye-opening mobility survey published on industry portal Relocate recently.

The survey article – which can be found here – discusses key challenges, in particular relating to talent attraction and assignee retention for global mobility assignments.
Some of the main elements that stood out to us in the survey findings included:
– Ongoing issues for corporates in attracting talented assignees for global mobility projects
– New geographical locations are becoming more popular amongst professional assignees
– Technology is now becoming a major talking point within the global mobility industry
And with the recent publication of the useful RES Forum Report for 2016 which we blogged about in detail it is clear that the mobility industry is changing.
Our teams of global mobility professionals see this change on a daily basis, of course – and not just as leading providers of mobility services in London and across the UK, but our teams of international moving experts are noticing the rapid developments in mobility, too.
When one considers that nearly 90% of those companies questioned in the survey are looking to increase their number of mobile workers over the next two years, it’s critical for a corporate client to ensure they have all the necessary items in place for each assignee.
This is where our 50 years of industry expertise comes into play – our international relocation services are well-established, with outstanding global mobility networks, and an enviable history in international removals, managed mobility services, and mobility solutions.
If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation, domestic relocation, international moving and global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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