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Download: Managing Emergency Situations for Global Mobility Report

A Global Mobility Guide for Managing Relocation in Emergency Situations

Managing Emergency Situations for Global Mobility

Download the Session Paper

According to the 2018 Business Impact of Travel Risk Survey, more than half of European organisations were impacted by travel disruption or terrorism in the 12 months.

Gerson Relocation hosted an event specifically in response to growing concern amongst employers regarding how to manage the risk relating to their mobile employees and the creation of an effective plan for an emergency situation.  The event reviewed how to respond from a strategic perspective and from the point of view of people on the ground.  The following is a copy of the information gathered from the event.  What the downloadable session paper includes:

  • Notes from the session
  • Key take-home points
  • An interactive checklist for guidance when reviewing your emergency plan


What you will learn from this Session Paper

  • What to do when the unthinkable happens?
  • Emergency situations – where do you start to evacuate, who do you take, who do you leave?
  • How well are you prepared if you needed to evacuate your staff today
  • Who, what and how do you communicate
  • How do you work with security teams and other vendors?
  • How to set up an internal crisis team
  • Lessons learnt from recent emergency situations

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Managing Emergency Situations - Gerson Relocation


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