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Don’t Shut your employees out of the relocation process

The good news is that Gerson remains safely open throughout the pandemic.

But while it’s great that relocations continue, you could find yourself trying to spin too many plates at once. New concerns over employee wellbeing clash with yo-yoing budgets and shifting restrictions. With all this, it’s no wonder your attention is suddenly spread so thin.

Our Managed Lump Sum Solution helps you balance spend and flexibility, without adding risk. We watch the plates, while you navigate the uncertain landscape, freeing assignees to make the decisions that matter most.

Hand over the keys

Before finding the perfect property, you need to understand local laws and Covid-compliance. Then you factor in late changes from travel restrictions and varying priorities. With so much on your plate, securing the right home for your assignee is a big challenge.

Luckily, Gerson Relocation has it covered. Vetted agents provide exclusive access to properties, then offer up their best terms. Local contacts pass on genuine insight in a language you’ll understand. And as for those late changes. Not a problem. We have access to short-term lets, flexible break clauses and essential last-minute deals.

Our network puts your employees at the centre of the move – it’s their new home, after all.  Add safe searches and virtual tours and you can hand over control without transferring the risk. Meanwhile, we agree terms to suit whichever plates are spinning at the time.

Freedom is imminent

Gerson’s Managed Lump Sum Solution looks after your budget and your best interests. Your assignee controls their decisions, while we see them safely to their new home – with all the plates still in one piece.

This means a simpler process for you and more freedom for your assignees.

√         Freedom to allocate their allowance to suit their needs
√         Freedom to prioritise how and when services are delivered
√         Freedom to make the most of their assignment


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