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Contain the compromises that come with relocating employees

Keeping a tight rein on your budget can lead to compromise. But it doesn’t have to.

We know that overspending on relocation costs isn’t an option. We also know that your assignees need flexibility. Especially given the challenges that come with international moves. Balancing the books while offering options can be a thankless task. Yet, with countless variables to consider, it’s a task you often face.

We created our managed lump sum solution precisely for this purpose. You get clarity and control over budgets. Your assignees get greater flexibility. And everyone gets peace of mind that the relocation will be delivered on time and on budget.

Find your flex

There are many things to assess ahead of an international relocation. Amongst them, shipping is one of the most complex. Speed and spend. Distance and duration. Quality and quantity. Each has a different impact on the assignee. And each demands careful consideration.

Through our network, Gerson Relocation offers options to suit all budgets. Whether you need a light touch relocation, VIP treatment, or anything between, no other company offers the same breadth of service.

What’s more, our relocation managers provide recommendations and support at every step. From shipping to settling in, we help assignees make choices to suit their families, their schedules and their budgets.

Freedom is imminent

For many assignees, choice sits high on the relocation wish list. But it’s difficult to offer choice without losing control of the budget.

Fortunately, our network is broad enough to help you manage costs without limiting options.

This means a simpler process for you and more freedom for your assignees.

√ Freedom to allocate their allowance to suit their needs
√ Freedom to prioritise how and when services are delivered
√ Freedom to make the most of their assignment

As a result, you’re free to offer a managed lump sum solution without being bound by compromise.


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