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3 Ways Relocation Software Makes Your Job Easier

Corporate relocation can be difficult if you are managing large businesses with several different locations, or office spaces, and hundreds of employees. It can be hard keeping track of all the information as well as desk spaces in different departments and floors of office buildings. That’s why a lot of businesses look to use relocation firms to help with corporate relocations.

One of the huge benefits of working with a corporate relocation team is that they often provide relocation software to help make your job easier. Take a look at our guide to find out the top 3 ways that relocation software makes your job easier to manage.

Man sitting in the waiting area of an airport.


One of the key benefits of relocation management software is that it allows you to track employees in real-time. You can see staff travel movements if you are relocating employees abroad and you can also track other vital pieces of information about your employees. This includes information such as family members, as well as their place within the organisation.

Tracking employees also allows you to view which of your employees are located where. For example, you can view employees by job role and have an overview of which employees could step up for promotion in the event that members of management are moving on from the business. This has an added benefit for the HR department and can highlight talent gaps in your business structure.


Not only does relocation management software make tracking information about your employees easier, but it can also help with any reporting and analysing needs you might have. As previously mentioned, tracking employees in a business can help you forecast and plan better for the future. If you are opening a new branch, for example, you can oversee how successful you are at relocating and hiring new employees in the area and spot any need for more externally acquired staff. Similarly, it can give you easy oversight on employees within the business and where you can avoid hiring more staff if you have enough internal employees to run the day to day activities.

Man sitting in front of laptop with colourful dashboards and data tables.


Relocation software can also help with the management of any relocation project and your business as a whole. If you are moving offices, it can be difficult to track people across different departments. However, relocation software allows you to track how much space you will need for people across your business as a whole.

It can also help if you are relocating people from lots of different regions as it allows you to easily manage the process to ensure things are running smoothly. You can also track that documents have been signed and returned by the new employees, such as contracts and policies. This makes the management process of relocating employees much easier as you can track anything still outstanding quickly.

People queuing for the check-in desks at an airport.

These are the three top reasons that you might want to work with a relocation company to help make the move run as smoothly as possible. Our team at Gerson Relocation can make your international removal as smooth as possible with our relocation management software and reporting. Make sure you get in touch with us today for a quote on removals.


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