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Will Relocating To Another Country To Work In 2015 Work Out?

The start of another year at Gerson Relocation always ensures that we’re thinking about the challenges, opportunities and rewards ahead in the next 12 months.
And this time of year is also traditionally when many people are considering corporate relocation and domestic relocation services, as opportunities to live and work in different countries represent themselves.
But will relocating to another country to work and live in 2015 work out?
In our experience, an international assignment can be the best move for someone – or the worst – depending on how they are managed, and the corporate relocation advice they receive in making the big decision to go.
This vital decision is critical in ensuring that every detail is well managed – after all, no international relocation wants to be classified as a failed assignment.
This is not only costly to the firm, but may also put off valuable talent from looking at an international assignment in the future.
Being able to make informed decisions in corporate relocation assignments forms from having the right people in place to explain the pros and cons of each individual assignment. This seemingly obvious detail can be omitted.
Some of the main elements to a successful corporate relocation, international relocation, domestic relocation overseas, or overseas moving assignment are:
* How different cultures will affect assignees
* How the HR team are supporting assignees
* How the job opportunity abroad stacks up financially after equalisation costs
Typical questions from assignees include:
“Is my standard of living going to change for the better of worse?”
“How will this change affect my family on a daily basis?”
“What sort of paperwork do I need to fill out before relocating?”
If you’re thinking of relocating to another country in 2015, or your employer is offering you the opportunity, or even if you’re an employer looking for assistance in making moving overseas a smooth and seamless process, why not get in touch with our relocation experts today for an informal chat?
If you’d like to find our more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation, domestic relocation, and global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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