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Permanent and local plus assignments and relocation packages

When your business needs the right people on location to oversee an important long-term or strategic business interest, permanent transfers offer an alternative approach to the traditional long-term assignment.

Whilst they may not be appropriate for all assignment types, a permanent transfer approach can be effective where an assignment is employee directed or there is no expectation on them repatriating. They can also be cost effective from a tax and compensation perspective.

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What is the definition of an international permanent transfer assignment?

Contrary to its title, a permanent transfer needn’t be permanent and can be applied to assignments of 12 months and over. The terminology primarily relates to the employee taking on an employment contract and salary based on a local, or local plus template. This can simplify the administration of tax and compensation and keep costs down.

Permanent transfers differ from long-term assignments which tend to maintain the employee under the terms of their home-based employment contract and a balance sheet approach.


Local and Local Plus policies

We can work with you to develop your relocation packages to support your permanent transfers, so they are fully supported and focused on their roles.

Permanent assignments are more effective for some home and host country combinations than they do for others, there are also some restrictions in some countries on what can be provided without contravening discrimination laws which we can help advise you on.

Relocation coordination and cost management

Our Relocation Managers support each of your employees relocating on a permanent transfer. We coordinate each case based on your policy and manage costs. We provide a high level of support for your relocating employees and their accompanying dependents.

We have developed an off the peg relocation package to support your permanent transfers on a Local or Local Plus policy.

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