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Multinationals Expect A Significant Rise In Employee Relocation

We came across an interesting article at Gerson Relocation last week, concerning the increase in anticipated employee relocation amongst multi-nationals during the remainder of 2013.

The full article conducted by American firm Cartus highlights that the survey they carried out amongst multi-national companies found that 48% of respondents are expecting employee relocation levels to increase during the remainder of this year.
The Cartus survey also found that 82% of companies questioned believe that an international assignment has a positive effect on an executive’s career.
“Companies realise that an international assignment is an investment in an employee and their overall talent management programme,” said Matt Spinola, executive VP of Cartus.
The cautious optimism expressed in the survey results indicate that many multinationals are beginning to come out of a Recession mindset, and re-invest in employee mobility and talent management.
This significant shift means that companies such as ourselves are able to assist in providing a seamless employee relocation service, enabling the employee to focus on their priority of settling themselves and their family.
Other key trends and useful findings are discussed and highlighted in the survey – full findings can be found here.
We’re able to provide an end-to-end service to executives relocating into or outside of the UK. More resources on employee relocation are available here.
If you’d like to find our more about our corporate relocation services, please feel free to contact us here.


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