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Managing Small to Medium size Global Mobility programmes – a webinar discussion

[Register] Free Webinar: Managing Small to Medium size Global Mobility programmes

According to the RES Forum, over half of their member’s global mobility programmes are classed as either small or medium in size. Yet most of the support and guidance available amongst the key Global Mobility associations is geared up to suit large programmes.

Gerson Relocation is addressing this issue by hosting a webinar discussion “Managing Small to Medium Size Global Mobility Programmes”.  Join us for a 30-minute webinar discussion and pose your questions to the panel.

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Tuesday 11th December 2018 / 10.30am – 11am UK time (GMT).


The Expert Global Mobility Panel

We have a terrific panel with special guests joining our discussion who will be exploring how best to manage a programme of this size effectively:

Catherine Birchall Sky Global Mobility

Catherine Birchall, Global Mobility Manager

Sky Global Mobility Assignments Sky

With a successful career in HR and Global Mobility, Cat has gained extensive experience of large programme management at BAT and PwC. As Global Mobility Manager at Sky, she has transitioned to run an established mid-size programme.


Gabor Bartos Reward FirstGroup

Gabor Bartos, Reward Manager

FirstGroup Global Mobility Assignments


With over 10 years’ experience in Reward at companies including TJX and Eni, Gabor brings his international experience and Reward expertise to FirstGroup plc’s Global Mobility function. Based in the UK, Gabor supports the Group’s various compensation, benefits, and mobility initiatives at FirstGroup plc.

What you will learn in 30 minutes:

  • First hand experiences of the unique nature of managing smaller global mobility programmes.
  • Potential pitfalls and opportunities unique to small global mobility programmes.
  • Support you can receive and the resources you can tap into.
  • How to juggle employee global mobility with your other responsibilities.
  • Things you never knew were important – but really are.
  • There will be an additional 10 minutes for questions.

Managing Small Global Mobility Programmes and Medium Global Mobility Programmes


Who should register?

Employers, Global Mobility, Comp & Ben and HR Professionals who manage a small or medium number of assignments per year (excluding business travellers).

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