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The Importance Of Legal Compliance With Short-Term Assignments For Employees

Here at Gerson Relocation our global mobility experts keep an eye on legislation issues in our industry, to better inform our clients and ensure that they deliver global mobility services for their employees and assignees in a timely manner.

Our mobility team came across this useful article recently which makes a few interesting points to be aware of around the subject of short-term assignments for employees in the UK and abroad alike.

Most of our corporate clients need to make sure they stay compliant with tax and immigration – and the fallout of not being within the boundaries of the law can be very serious, with the possibility of an assignee being forced to leave the country they’ve been placed in to complete a work contract.

The article highlights that tracking an assignee during a project in a new country is a way to manage this – this could include having a relationship with a mobility company such as Gerson Relocation.

We can help to track and monitor the assignee on behalf of clients – including setting date markers to inform a client and assignees when important dates are imminent in legal terms on a contract.

It’s also important when looking at short-term assignments to review the policy in place, to see if it is delivering a best-fit solution for each individual assignee. We deliver bespoke solutions in this area.

The points and pitfalls raised in the article by Emigra offer an invaluable and quick checklist on elements to consider, to ensure that a company stays within the law whilst also delivering an impeccable experience to a valued assignee in a foreign country.

Issues concerning taxation, immigration, assignee legislation, working rights, visa boundaries for foreign workers, and the basic rights for corporate companies with short-term employees abroad are all key considerations when reviewing working practices and policies in the UK and globally.

When it comes to corporate moves, employee relocation and global mobility, it’s important to work with a global mobility and human capital management company that truly understand the issues facing short-term assignees – we have more than five decades of dedicated experience to hand.

If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation, domestic relocation, international moving and global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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