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Gerson Relocation Food Bank Collections on Moves

You may already be aware that Gerson Relocation provides donation boxes for The Trussell Trust/UK Foodbank Network for collection on our moves. The service is available on international moves from the UK and UK domestic moves.

The idea behind this initiative came as a result of feedback from our professional packing crews. It was noted that when they are packing the home for the move, there are often lots of unopened packets of food, tinned items and long-life food items in people’s cupboards that cannot be taken with them – was there anything we could do to prevent waste?

Unopened items with a shelf life of over 6 months are perfect for donation to the UK Foodbanks, as are unopened cleaning products and toiletries. So, by offering to take these as donations from our customers, we could help reduce waste and support the great work that the foodbanks provide to people in desperate need and are struggling to feed their families.

We decided to support the Trussell Trust. Our staff have really got involved and took part in collecting food items over a 2-week period for donations. This also helped to raise awareness of the cause amongst our new starters and our moving customers.

Everyone in the office at Potters Bar donated and we were able to fill several boxes with a variety of items which will go to help families in desperate need of support. We also now have donation points in our offices so people can donate items as they wish.

Our staff getting involved by collecting for Trussell Trust food bank
Our staff getting involved by collecting for Trussell Trust food bank

We got the whole company involved, and this picture shows the food collected at our Potters Bar office.

When you move with us, your foodbank donation boxes will be collected at the packing stage and delivered to the food bank charity by our staff.

Delivery of donated items

The recent office staff collection and the donations from our customers have been delivered by our staff member Chris Reeve to the Brent Trussell Trust Foodbank in London.

We deliver your items you donate from your move to Trussell Trust
We deliver your items you donate from your move to Trussell Trust

Chris went to visit the staff at Brent Foodbank and delivered the boxes of donated food items.

Ask us for a Trussell Trust donation box when you move

If you would like us to provide you with a Food Bank donation carton for your move, please just ask us to include one for you. We also offer charity move cartons clothing and toy collections for donations to Marie Curie Cancer Care.

You can donate unopened tinned food, dried food, sanitary items and toiletries. We then collect and check the items before delivering the charity cartons to the Trussell Trust to support the many families who struggle to feed their families every day.



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