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Living in France After Brexit

The UK’s withdrawal from the EU has had a big impact on the immigration rules and regulations for Brits looking to move overseas. The process of moving to France from the UK in 2022 and beyond is more complicated, but still absolutely possible. We’ve put together this guide to living in France after Brexit to help you navigate the moving process with ease.

Travelling to France after Brexit 

You’ll be pleased to hear that it is still fairly easy to travel to France from the UK, all you will need is a valid passport which was issued less than 10 years before your entry date to France. Your passport will also need to be valid for a minimum of 3 months after you plan to leave the country.

France is part of the Schengen area, which means that following Brexit, you will need a Long Stay visa if you are looking to spend more than 90 days in France.

Le Louvre Museum in Paris, France

Living in France after Brexit

To live in France, you will first need to apply for a long-stay visa. This process is mainly done online, but in some cases, you may need to attend the French Consulate General in London. To apply for your long-stay visa you will need:

  • Completed visa application form
  • 3 passport photos
  • 3 months of bank statements which prove you have the funds to support yourself for the duration of your stay
  • Proof of accommodation in France
  • Valid travel insurance

Once you have arrived in France, you will then need to apply for a French residency permit, known as a Carte de Sejour, at your local town hall (Préfecture). This is a physical ID card which contains your photograph and signature. The 5 types of French residency permits and long-stay visas are:

  • Long-Stay Visa – a visa which generally lasts for 12 months and will allow you to live, and sometimes work in France (depending on the circumstances)
  • Temporary Residency Permit – a permit which will generally allow you to stay in France for non-work related reasons for up to 6 months
  • Permanent Residency – a permit which is will allow you to live and work in France for up to 10 years
  • Retired Persons Residency Permit – a permit which will allow you to live in France for up to 10 years providing you have the resources and/or income to support yourself.
  • Multi-Year Residency Permit – an extension of a long-stay visa which will allow you to stay in France for up to 4 more years, there are multiple categories within this permit depending on your situation.
  • Student – on a study or course placement
  • Employee – suitable for Brits employed by a company and working in France after Brexit
  • Self-employed – suitable if you run your own business
  • Job search or business creation – suitable if you are looking to become self-employed or find a French employer
  • Private or family life – suitable if you are a British National married to a French national or British National with an existing residency permit
Houses in Saint-Jean-le-Thomas in France

Working in France after Brexit 

Brexit means that the rules of free movement no longer apply to British nationals. Brits living in France will need a suitable French residency permit in place before it is legal to work. You can find out more about French visas and the rules for Brits working in France after Brexit on the Official Visa Website.

Moving to France from the UK is a relocation which appeals to many British nationals. There are fantastic areas to live in when it comes to accommodation, each offering its own set of perks. Our international moving advice is available to help you with your move, from advice on living like an expat to guides on moving with a young family.

If you’re currently deliberating which European country will be the most suitable for your international relocation, you may also be interested in the bureaucracy that surrounds living in Spain after Brexit.

French flag on the side of Arc du Triumph in Paris

Whether you’ve got your eye on Barcelona, Madrid or maybe even Valencia, living in Spain after Brexit is still a wonderful opportunity to change your life.  Take a look at our international moving guide for helpful checklists and information that will make your relocation easier.


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