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Latest RES Forum Global Mobility Report Published And Available For Insider Knowledge

One of the most important industry publications that we keep an eye on here at Gerson Relocation is one of the most influential and trend-setting documents in the relocation sector today – the annual Global Mobility Report from the RES Forum.

We review this document annually, as it gives critical mobility insights for our clients – in fact, we blogged about the 2015 Report here.
Here at Gerson Relocation, we keep up-to-speed with the latest trends and developments within the corporate relocation, private relocation, overseas moving, and international relocation sector – our core area of business.
And a part of that ongoing professional process is reviewing the latest global mobility Report from the RES Forum.
The RES Forum was launched in 2006 as an independent community for international HR and Mobility professionals, and is now the largest and most active network specializing in global mobility survey data, modelling, and analytics.
We are well-established experts within the global mobility sector, so trends that might affect the industry can affect the way we work, and the corresponding service we offer our global client base of companies and private individuals seeking relocation.
Therefore, it’s critical for us and our clients that we keep abreast of new trends, hot topics and developments in the global mobility sector.
This year’s RES Forum Global Mobility Report once again provides useful insider insights.
Some of the main elements making up new ideas, developments and changes in the global mobility sector as highlighted in the 2016 RES Forum Global Mobility Report include:
Gender Diversity & its effect within multinational companies
Organisational development & talent management
Reward package design
VUCA factors and their effects on business & global mobility
It’s another fascinating insight on a macro-scale for all global mobility professionals, and the mobility teams here at Gerson have certainly gleaned some incredibly useful insight from it.
If you’d like a copy of the 2016 RES Forum Global Mobility Report, please email Phil Oakey directly
If you’d like to find out more about Gerson Relocation and our corporate relocation, domestic relocation, international moving and global mobility services, please feel free to contact us here.


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