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Gerson Relocation Improve Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

At Gerson Relocation, we are pleased to report an improvement in our Carbon Disclosure Project rating for 2014. Last year we were scored in Band C which was the average for SMEs but this year our rating has improved to a B, above the CDP supply chain average C.
Behind this our Disclosure Score was rated 83 out of 100 by CDP as opposed to the supply chain average of 53, our Emissions Management score was 90 out of 100 as opposed to the SME average of 48, and our Strategy Risks & Opportunities score was 76 versus the SME average of 48.
“I am very pleased to see our continued efforts to monitor and improve our environmental performance pay off” commented Niall Mackay, Managing Director. “We put a lot of hours into the these efforts and it’s great to see the end result objectively recognised”.
For more information on Carbon Disclosure Project please go to


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