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Gerson Relocation Employees Complete Do-It Volunteering Work

At Gerson Relocation, as well as being a leading global provider of corporate relocation services, we also keep a close eye on good causes and charitable enterprises across the UK.
So, it was with great pleasure that Gerson Relocation employees recently jumped at the chance to complete volunteering work at the beautiful National Trust site Morven Park, as part of their Do-it volunteering scheme.
Movren Park
Gerson Relocation provided four of our staff for two days, to help install new field gates on the National Trust site. It was muddy but rewarding work!
Morven Park is a stunning area of beautiful parkland in the heart of Potters Bar.
You can find out more about the fantastic Morven Park, and the work being carried out by the National Trust there, by following Morven Park on Facebook.
If you’d like to find our more about Gerson Relocation, please feel free to contact us here.


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