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FIDI Bike Ride 2019 – London to Amsterdam

Gerson Relocation is a proud supporter of the FIDI Cycle Challenge which is raising awareness and funding for Operation Smile Honduras which provides surgical intervention for children born with cleft lip and palate disorders. You can support the charity here

Gerson Relocation’s Alastair Cowan has bravely stepped up to undertake the 226 km cycle ride. He has just started to ride and so this will be a real challenge for him. Alastair has kindly agreed to share some updates on his training as he prepares himself.


29 March 2019

The FIDI Cycle Challenge team meet up for a quick team photo this morning before starting their journey to mainland Europe.

#FIDIConference #FIDICycleChallenge

24 March 2019

We are ready! Well almost. It’s Sunday 24 March and I’ve just completed my final training ride yesterday. No punctures, but I did have to buy a new tyre due to a large gouge found in by back wheel…. Forecast for the Friday and Saturday ride this week looks promising so that is a bonus – the idea of cycling in windy and freezing rainy conditions was not appealing at all. The group numbers for the ride have also increased, so I am looking forward to finally meeting all my fellow riders at 8am Trafalgar Square London on Friday morning. Please don’t forget to donate in support of this amazing charity on the FIDI JustGiving page 😊

4 March 2019

“Out at the weekend and the bike is going well. A few punctures but nothing to worry about. It was a bit of a struggle getting out in the morning at the weekend but it wasn’t too bad once I was on my way. How do you like my glasses?”

FIDI Training London to Amsterdam 2019 #FIDICycleChallenge

12 February 2019

“I’ve managed to get in two rides recently with 67.5 miles in total and 3,659 ft of climbing. I’m going to have to do lots more to get myself ready for the big ride but I’m happy with how my fitness is progressing. I’m working on my nutrition too. I’m not very keen on the cycling energy gels.”

FIDI Training London to Amsterdam 2019 #FIDICycleChallenge

10 January 2019

“Winter rides are quite tricky as I try to fit my training around childcare duties and the Christmas period. I’m feeling cold and saddle sore. Lycra is my new look for 2019.”

FIDI Training London to Amsterdam 2019 #FIDICycleChallenge

About the FIDI Cycle Challenge

The FIDI Cycle Challenge will take you from London to Amsterdam in two days. The 141-mile (226km) cycle tour will depart from the center of London and finish at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, the host of the 2019 FIDI Conference – just in time for the opening of the Conference on Sunday, 31st March 2019. Between these two bustling capitals, two days of cycling await following an exciting route through some of the most beautiful countryside and coastal areas both countries have to offer.


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