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Attracting and Retaining Top Global Talent

Attracting the best talent to join your team is a chance to evaluate your company and what it offers its employees. In today’s job market, competition is fierce. It’s not just about finding someone for the role; it’s about finding the right person. Companies now have to compete to attract the best talent, which is now possible on a global scale.

Successful businesses have an effective approach to addressing the unique needs and preferences of global talent. The work to keep this talent within your team doesn’t stop there because retaining and managing your global team is crucial for success.

Your company and recruitment strategy are unique to you. We’ve outlined 10 tips on how to attract and retain top global talent.

1. Write accurate and detailed job descriptions

The first step is to write detailed and accurate job descriptions. This introduction to the company and the role is critical, as talented candidates will be looking for information on the firm, its culture, and the role itself. When advertising a role, it’s vital the description is accurate. Doing so will help ensure that you find the right match and retain the talent you have discovered. Make sure that the tone of your job description is in line with the company’s vision, while also ensuring it is easy to read and informative.

A hand holding a hologram of the world with locations dotted

2. Share career stories

One of the main appeals for talent is the opportunity for career advancement. According to a recent study, 59% of people change jobs for more opportunities and to build a stronger career path. Allowing current employees to share their career stories and growth at the company will help new talent see what you offer. When potential candidates see that your company invests in its employees and provides opportunities for growth and development, they are more likely to want to join your team.

3. Build a benefits package 

Potential candidates for your role are not just looking at the salary when accepting an offer. They will also consider other benefits that come with the job. Benefits could include improving their work-life balance, health and wellness, professional development, or inclusion. By having a comprehensive employee package, talent can see how you prioritise and support your employees, whether it’s in-house or across the globe.

4. Culture

Another reason that talent leaves their current roles is the company culture. Fostering a positive company culture is crucial to attracting and retaining top global talent. This includes defining clear values, encouraging collaboration and teamwork, promoting work-life balance, and diversity, and actively listening to employee feedback. A positive culture can create a sense of belonging and purpose for employees, which leads to higher engagement and retention rates. Remember, culture comes from the top; a company’s culture needs to be consistent and executed from top to bottom.

searching for job descriptions online

5. Development opportunities 

To stress this point again, talented employees will leave if they aren’t given enough development opportunities. Building a positive culture should include a learning environment that empowers employees to gain new skills, set goals and advance their careers. Some ways to provide these opportunities include mentorship and training programs. By investing in your employees, a company can create a culture which values growth, learning, and innovation.

6. Celebrate and reward

Building a culture where employees want to keep learning will benefit their careers and the company because it boosts talent retention. When a company is encouraging and rewarding to those who demonstrate and collaborate, it helps create this culture. Celebrating acknowledges employees’ contributions and motivates them to continue performing at their best. Rewarding can be done through various means, such as bonuses, promotions, recognition programs, and company events.

Taking the time to create a positive work environment that celebrates achievements and progress can boost morale and increase job satisfaction, leading to higher retention rates which will save time and money in the long run. Employees who feel appreciated and valued are more likely to stay committed to the company and contribute to its success.

Employee who is benefiting from flexible work arrangements in a cafe

7. Provide flexible work arrangements

Flexible work arrangements can be a significant factor in talent retention. By offering options such as remote work, flexible schedules, and compressed workweeks, employees can improve their work-life balance and reduce stress. Additionally, providing flexibility broadens the pool of talent available by allowing for the hiring of employees who may not be able to commit to traditional work arrangements due to personal or family obligations. It also enables companies to hire global talent, meaning the right person can be hired for a job regardless of their location in the world.

8. Communication 

Effective communication is crucial in building a positive company culture and retaining talent. Hosting regular team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, and open-door policies can help create a culture of transparency and trust. By being in communication, it ensures employees are aware of company goals, expectations, and changes. Employees may feel more comfortable discussing ideas and sharing concerns which can lead to valuable insights and solutions.

Employees celebrating the success of another colleague

9.  Be open to feedback 

Feedback is essential for employee growth and development. Managers should be open to receiving feedback from employees, whether positive or constructive criticism. By creating a safe and supportive environment for feedback, employees are more likely to speak up and share their thoughts. Responding to feedback in a timely and respectful manner shows it’s valued and taken seriously. Giving your employees a voice will help them feel empowered.

10. Providing unique opportunities

Providing unique opportunities such as international travel or chances to live overseas can be an appealing method to retain talent. It gives employees a chance to broaden their thinking, experience different cultures, and improve their talents in a new environment. Employees who express an interest in working abroad can be offered short-term assignments, secondments, or longer-term relocation packages by their employers.

These possibilities assist the employee and the firm by fostering a more diversified staff with a broader range of experiences and viewpoints. It can also aid in the development of partnerships with overseas clients and stakeholders.

If you are moving an employee aboard, speak to Gerson Relocation. We are global relocation specialists who help employers manage and relocate their international workforce. Whether it is long-term or short-term assignments, we support you with everything from immigration to expenses.


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